Administration, Faculty, and Professional Staff

Jonathan Millen, Ph.D.

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Communications

Robert F. Alegre, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Latin American History
School of Arts and Humanities

Audrey Bartholomew, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Coordinator of Special Education Programs
Maine LEND Training Director

Anna L. Bass, Ph.D.

Associate Teaching Professor
Affiliate: Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies

Bryan Michael Bergeron-Killough, M.A.

Adjunct faculty, The History of Jazz, Guitar Instruction, Ensemble Director

A. Christine Brown, Ph.D.

Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, College of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Biology

Michael A Burman, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology
Project Leader, COBRE for Pain Research
Academic Director, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Leah Bymers, M.S.

Teaching Professor
School of Marine and Environmental Programs

Alexandra Campbell, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Criminology and Sociology

Ling Cao, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences
Chair, IACUC

Maryann Corsello, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus of Psychology

Kenneth Courtney, Ph.D.

Assistant Teaching Professor
Assistant Academic Director, School of Social & Behavioral Sciences
Global Studies Coordinator