About the UNE Behavior Core

The Behavior Core provides a comprehensive approach to the research needs of the Center for Pain Research investigators, UNE researchers, and the external research community using the highest level of expertise, training, and instrumentation. The core provides in-house validation of cutting-edge models of pain and relevant co-morbidities to advance the pain field and early-stage drug discovery.

Headshot of U N E Student Emily Walsh

The Behavior Core focuses on fostering a positive learning environment where students can explore their personal interests and engage in meaningful research.

Medical Biology


If you have any questions, please email us at behaviorcore@thestudioentrance.com.

Meet our Faculty and Professional Staff


Our office and laboratories are in Stella Maris Hall with a satellite behavior testing room in the Pickus Center for Biomedical Research.

A professor and a student reviewing an x-ray on a monitor
A student pipes a liquid into a container in a research lab